A collection of moments (a lot of them being Facetime screenshots during Covid-19 isolation) commemorating the good stuff in life—family, friends and silly times.
“Hi, I’m new. I live here now.” My friend Megan adopted her new bulldog puppy. She was dropped off and about 15 seconds later she met me.
“Stop, I’m gonna pee!” There’s hardly anything I love more than a silly laugh with friends. Kathy and I are really good at it.
“I don’t look like that, Sharon!” My mother lives in Central America, so our main point of contact is video chat. This was a day we had some fun with filters and she was incredibly amused.
“Am I live????” My friend Alyssa was telling me about how she joined a professional zoom call looking like this and hammering away on some of her jewelry…until she realized everyone else was paying attention and maybe she should too.
“Yeah, I see you. Can you see me?” Brooklyn and Marty seeing each other on the phone is pretty cute. Mostly staring. Not much talking.
“Um…I just noticed something.” When you realize you’re so alike you even have the same FaceTime talking pose.
I was dog sitting for my friend, Jimmy. He asked to see his buddy, Sparky.
“I heard mom fart in the background.” My brother’s laugh is the kind of laugh that makes me laugh more. And when our mom ripped one and thought nobody heard it…well we were goners.
Me: Check out the fireworks over Cinderella’s castle. Pretty neat, huh?
Dad: …
My stepmom, Linda, is one of the sweetest ladies this earth has seen. And boy does she get a kick out of Marty!
One of my favorite screen captures from a few years back. I wrote a book — “The Best Thing I Never Asked For” on Amazon 😁 — and one chapter was dedicated to my friend Jimmy (pictured here) and his family. His reaction was exactly what I was hoping for as he started to read it for the first time.